Self-Funding Motor-Vehicle & Equipment Operations
On The PAL Platform©

This publication is an abstract of a supplement titled "True Christian Finance" to copyright TX-4-498-218 ("Preowned Auto Leasing System") in compliance with circular 8 of the USA Copyright Office. Written in prose with interactive automation, the intent of this international top level domain is to define and distribute my assets & technology to people at all levels of society so they too can become self-funded without lines of credit, investment, debt, hassle nor delay.  My reason for this giving is because the value of my R&D stock certificates grows fractionally as the use of the True Christian Finance (TCF) engine spreads across the nation.

This coin was minted 105 BC for Legion X depicting a Teutonic steam drive.

Regenerative-finance originated in the 16th century BC to "grow" the fleets of galleons and corvettes to establish and protect world trade, a.k.a. Liga Teutonica.  The creation of self-funding contracts began in the 2nd century BC when the regenerative-finance principles were refined by Mercurius Kimbrianus to equip and deploy the coast guard corvettes with Teutonic turbine power engines, fuel and simultaneously create phenomenal monetary gains for everyone – without a cost to anyone. 










































Rate of Gain (Gain %)


Capital Cost

Monthly Payment

Multiplication of Money

Self-Finding Payment Deposit




The cash output is:

  1. a flat fee at inception of each contract paid from the capital cost to:

    1. the Virtual Fleet & Lease Office franchisee (a.k.a. lessor, VFLO owner/operator),

    2. lessor's agent, Research Analyst (and subordinates, plus monthly monitoring fee),

    3. lessor's agent, Senior Analyst,

    4. lessor's Daily Operations Manager (optional for cause),

    5. delivering dealership

  2. unbound use of the improved motor-vehicle for the operator without period payment 'cept fuel...,

  3. exponential cash gains for the project provider(s),

  4. guaranteed periodic cash gains for the buyer of securitized contract(s),

  5. guaranteed periodic fee to the liquefiers and end-of-term payoff,

  6. and the integral securities are returned at the end of each contract with an elevated-value.

( Vehicle  Cost x (1 +  Gain %) ^ rounds of  securitization ) - Vehicle Cost = Total Gains
 ( 5,000,000 x 1.4473
^ 6 ) - $5,000,000 = $40,953,794 (gain in 1-year 819%)


amount of the guarantor's deposit = ((total periodic-expense x periods in the round) ÷  net-gain %) x (1 + (liquefaction % ÷ rounds per year))
($585 x 2 ÷ 0.3750) x 1.0042 = $3133.10

In example,

deposit = ((total periodic-payment x periods in the round) ÷  net-gain % )
 $(449 + 108 + 10 + 10 + 8)  =  $585 = total monthly expense x 2 months in each round = 1170 ÷ 0.3750 = $3120 deposit




capitalized amount x (1 +  added-value %) ^ rounds of securitization - capital equipment cost = gains
(5,000,000 x 1.4473
^ 6  - $5,000,000 = $40,953,794 (gain in 1-year 819%)


( capital cost - contract end value ) ÷ contract term + ( contract end value x liquefaction factor ) = periodic lease payment



capital equipment cost x (1 +  added-value %) ^ rounds of MSPT securitization - capital equipment cost = gains
(5,000,000 x 1.4473
^ 6  - $5,000,000 = $40,953,794 (gain in 1-year 819%)

And the formula for self-funding each vehicle:

MSPT deposit = ( (periodic-payment x periods in the round) ÷  added-value % ) x  added-value % ÷ 2 =  constant yield of periodic-payment
( (350 x 2) ÷ 0.4473 ) x 0.4473  ÷ 2 = 350 yield each month

are really very simple equations; the technology and procedures for calculating the elements are ultra-complex-event-processors. 

Formula for Multiplication of Money:
( capital equipment cost x (1 +  added-value-factor) ^ rounds of MSPT portfolio securitization ) - capital equipment cost = gains
 ( 5,000,000 x 1.4473
^ 6 ) - $5,000,000 = $40,953,794 (gain in 1-year 819%)


The initial factor can never go down, but increases significantly with more additions to the leased-property during the term.  Here is the formula:

In example, sustained, during the life of each lease in initial which also damages the funders money  funded,

This is done by attaching an orthodox operating-lease to each vehicle in the portfolio, which creates the structure for adding value.  AT A SPECIFIC OR HIGHER GROWTH RATE.. 

( initial capital cost x (1 + net gain rate ) ^ rounds ) - initial capital cost = provider's gains in cash + n vehicles
( $5,000,000 x 1.375 ^ 6 ) - $5,000,000 = $28,789,845  + 4,354 vehicles provided 1-yr

Make this total gains divided. Owner income, Lessors, delivery agent, ra, sa, dom, Administrators, Stockholders (CFI) formula Community - cash on the barrelhead business.

TCF is all about eliminating losses, costs, and liabilities while making TCF vehicles more useful and valuable to create the gains.  Instead of charging interest and holding a debt over consumers, a much better margin is created by enhancing the value of the contracts and making physical upgrades to the vehicles to eliminate the debt as reflected in the TCF monthly payment formula:

( capitalized cost ÷ contract term ) = payment (month)
( $41,250.00 ÷ 60 ) = $687.50
( capital cost - contract end value ) ÷ contract term + ( contract end value x liquefaction factor ) = base payment (month)
( ( $41,250.00 - $17,875.00 ) ÷ 60 ) + ( $17,875.00 x .002083) = $427

Make this with, without cev...Add static amounts to payments.

Further, there is no possibility of loss of any kind to the executive-providers, liquefiers, governing bodies, or anyone who purchases discounted TCF contracts because of the autonomous payment formula:

( periodic payment x number of periods in one round ) ÷ net gain rate = guarantor's deposit = ( periodic payment x term )
( $427 x 2 ) ÷ 0.375 = $2,277.33 replaces $25,620 payments over 60 months
    1. ( initial capital cost x (1 + net gain rate ) ^ rounds ) - initial s-b loan principle = executive-production gains (end revenue) + n vehicles

      Unit Account Portfolio Trust
    Gains Rate        
    Owners %        
    Net Gains Rate        

    GR - DR = NGR for unit / account / portfolio / trust / so UGR UDR UNGR | AGR ADR ANDR | PGR PDR PNDR | TGR TDR TNGR

    Add all growths employee's + income, liquefiers, owners, community, especially securities growth - sharing how it feeds into the private sector growth for businesses and their owners. law enforcement on the general ledger, borrowing against assets - first establish the mechanism and trust and the principles engineer,

    Lease Owners' Annuity (Due):

    ( initial capital cost x (1 + net gain rate ) ^ rounds )  - initial capital cost = gains in cash + n vehicles
    ( $5,000,000 x 1.375 ^ 6 ) - $5,000,000 = $28,789,845  + 4,354 vehicles provided

    Self-Funding Formula for one vehicle:

    ( periodic payment x number of periods in one round ) ÷ net gain rate = guarantor's deposit = ( $n payment x term )
    ( $427 x 2 ) ÷ 0.375 = $2,277.33 replaces $25,620 payments over 60 months

    Christian Finance Operating-Lease Formulation:

    ( capitalized cost - contract end value ) ÷ contract term +  ( contract end value x liquefier's periodic rate ) = base payment (month)
    ( ( $41,250.00 - $17,875.00  ) ÷ 60 ) + ( $17,875.00 x .002083) = $427

    (capital equipm ent cost - contract vehicle-end-value) ÷ contract-term = periodic reduction amount (of principal balance)
    (30,000 - 19,500)  ÷ 60 = 175 periodic amortization
    capital-cost at origination - (periodic amortization x expired periods) = principal balance
    30,000 - (175 x 27) = 25,275 principal balance after 27 months

    Portfolio Owners' Pay-Out Formulas:>

    As the PAL owners/controllers, you effectively pay yourself each period from revenue already in the guarantor's column of the portfolio.
    This is a mistake-proof, fully automated computer process you monitor and control.
    All payments are net EBT.
    ( - - - - - - )   =
    All (lease fees) are level-yield constant gains paid every period.[ even though the balance declines...]
    IniInitial cap cost x (APY ÷ 12) =
    Part of the gains made by adding value, shown as an annual percentage yield APY...
    ( - )  ÷  = pan>
    capital-cost at origination - (periodic amortization x expired periods) = principal balance
    30,000 - (175 x 27) = 25,275 principal balance after 27 months

Molecularity of the origination-portfolios (inside the PAL Owners Trust & Escrow Company) permits anyone and everyone to benefit evenly from self-funding operations in compliance with all laws.  The equation for automatic payment for the operator (lessee) is really very simple.  A fraction of the financed-amount (aka capitalized-cost) is placed in a value-building origination-portfolio that consistently earns the amount of the periodic-payment before it is due through monetary-multiplication, which is value-building explained next section. 

(periodic-payment x periods in the round) ÷ build-rate = fractional-deposit
(350 x 2) ÷ 0.4473 = 1566

If each round takes two months to create and securitize; if the monthly payment is $350; and if the multiplication-rate is 144.73%; the build-rate (added-value-rate) is 44.73%:

(350 x 2) ÷ 0.4473 = 1566

Therefore, adding $1,566 to the amount-financed at the start of the operating-lease, then moving that amount to an origination-portfolio, pays the $350 payment on time for the duration of the contract.  The fractional-deposit remains in origination portfolio until the end, or early termination.  Then it is applied according based on the operator's decisions at the time. Voila!

You have your car and your money, too. Now what good are you going to do?

  • The periodic-payment & fractional-deposit may also include the cost of the whole operation: manpower, fuel, maintenance, management, insurance, licensing, garage, etcetera for total cost-free driving/operating without debt. 

  • Any number of assets can be obtained by an individual, a household, or business for a planned-operation.  In example, an individual household may want/need (and will regularly use) a sports car, family car, pickup truck, boat, motorcycle, and a dirt bike.

  • A business or government agency operation may include an assembly-line, a commercial kitchen, farm equipment, aircraft, medical devices, rental fleet, police cars, operator-training and/or mobile-office vehicles  – you name it.

  • If the operation is, "We need a bigger family vehicle with seven seatbelts because our family is growing from five to six people." An additional fractional-deposit may be made into the PAL origination-portfolio to pay for the child's education and welfare: In example: $1 fractional-deposit at birth generates $5,990,404 by age seven (84 months) if no debits are drawn.  At that point the child's account is moved to an ownership-portfolio which pays $19,968 per month, which is 4% APR, for example.

Close Self-Funding Formula Insert


Monetary multiplier basic formula: 

capital equipment cost x (1 + value-added-rate) ^ number of securitizations in year = originators' annual gross income; minus capital equipment cost = originators' annual earning before taxation...


$5,000,000 x (1 + 0.4473) ^ 6 = $45,953,794; - $5,000,000 = $40,953,794; gain = 819%


Monetary value can be added financially, logistically, externally, by improving the condition, with functionality, and/or by property-improvements (up-fits & conversions), as long as the values are real and sustained.  

Adding value today is not only prosperous, it is a lot of fun. And, building value today has never been easier than at any other point in history.  The molecular structure of the PAL contracts allows for additions, subtractions, extensions, transfers and changes to terms and conditions throughout the period of use.  This insures the multiplication efficiency and  meets the ever-changing needs of the operators.

Financial Additions:

Attaching the orthodox operating-lease contract to a vehicle creates the structure for building (and subtracting) other values throughout the lease period. Plus it adds the first value:

the total of payments during the contract term
(depreciation, periodic service fees, the lease-owner's-fee... may include fixed monthly amounts like tax, insurance, housing, etc collected inside the payment)

So, for a common Christian lease, if the initial cost is $30,000; the monthly depreciation = $175; the service fee is $25 month; the lease-owner's fee is $75; and the monthly payment is $350 on a contract-term of five years:

350 x 60 = 21,000
(175 + 25 + 75) x 60 = 16,500
4,500 added value

Therefore, a $30,000 vehicle-lease pays back $34,500 (within ≈ 2-months) to the trust-fund that was specially set up to procure the leased vehicles. That is an increase equal to 15% of the initial capitalized-cost.  NOTE:

When the portfolio containing this example lease is securitized $34,500 is available to originate more vehicles and equipment for another round of securitization in approximately another two-months. On and on:

30,000 x 1.15 = 34,500 x 1.15 = 39,675 x 1.15 = 45,626 x 1.15 = 52,470 x 1.15 = 60,341 x 1.15 = 69,392 x 1.15 = 79,801 x 1.15 = 91,771 x 1.15 = 105,536

 34,500 x 1.15 =

 As each origination-portfolio is securitized bimonthly,

In addition to intrinsic values like fluidity, sustainability and freedom, the 15% addition will apply to every other  added-value to the vehicle throughout its lease.

  •  longer contract terms automatically generate substantially higher amounts up front at the beginning of the operation when money is most useful.  In example

    • a contract term of 78 months (6.5 yrs) generates $9,000, a build rate of 30%

    • a contract term of 96 months (8 yrs) makes $13,500 in the beginning, upon securitization with the same payment and structure.

  • Since PAL Christian leases allow multiple lease-transfers at any the point without changing the title or contract obligations (other than adjustments for the next-driver's mileage for example) no operator or driver will ever be stuck in a vehicle they no long want or need.

  • Considering all things, especially an array of operator types from cash-rich to money-poor individuals and organizations, we pre-composed seven basic origination-portfolio types and made bridges between them:  Fleet, Prime+, Prime, Common, Preferred, Reimaged & Anticipated.  Discussed briefly here, the best understanding of their use will come from testing your operation variables in our self-serve sandbox under the direction of a licensed principles-engineer.  

Logistic Value-Addition:

Moving a vehicle to a location where the need for it is higher can add value to the capital cost before the lease is started without gouging because the lease-end-value will also be higher so the payment will be relatively the same. Higher initial cost (capital-cost) raises origination amount proportionally while fixed-costs (both initial and monthly) remain the same.

External Value Addition:

Extemplar University has discovered (and improved) a patent for a machine that does not use salt or petroleum products (total electric) to remove snow and ice from roads and bridges during winter weather. Melted snow & ice is sucked up and removed to a compliant storm water system. In addition to the intrinsic value of the machines on their own self-funding contract, value is added to every vehicle in the area because

  •  no more rust or surface damage from salt abrasion will occur adding $ trillions to the nation's vehicles.

  • no more infrastructure deterioration, which reeks havoc on suspension, tires and wheels, etc.  Highway taxes can be reduced or repurposed.. The cost of maintaining and repairing roads and bridges is

Reconditioning & Restorations:

For compliance with United Nations SDG #12 (RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION & PRODUCTION : Eliminate waste, hording, make gainful use of over-production resources) the PAL Real-time Residual Calculator© autonomously creates an accurate lease-end-value for any motor-vehicle of any age, any condition, and any composition. This establishes the foundation for one or more restoration operations enabled by Christian finance.  New commerce of considerable proportion can be generated quickly from wasted or unused motor-vehicles in the restoration and specialty manufacturing industries.

PAL Numerology©, especially molecularity of  the the trust company and modular, level-yield, master-lease contracts (both outlined below), provides a successive-structure for exponential multiplication of money while providing enormous profit to the originator/operator; with or without the self-funding mechanism attached at each stage.  Here is an example of turning trash into treasure with Christian finance:

After value-research & parts-availability studies, the initial lease is authorized for the capital-cost of the dilapidated vehicle, labor and raw materials for the restoration. The lease-end-value is contracted at  65% of the capital cost. The initial length of the lease is set to the longest (120-months) to maximize the multiplication of money and minimize the monthly payment. The self-funding mechanism may be applied. 

When the restoration is complete,


the operator (aka lessee) has two options: They can keep the restored vehicle and drive it, or the lease is rewritten


There will be two leases, The cap-cost equals the restored market price including the cost of the restoration. Self funding is applied.  optional... U/C!

$78,000 (Restored Market Value) - $800 (Salvage Purchase price) - $23,500 (restoration) = $53,700 (profit) = 220.99%
(multiplication-rate) = 120.99% (build-rate)

The lessee is the operator, originator, and lessor. Christian self-funding is applied. When complete, a decision is made to drive for free or transfer ownership on lease to another person and receive the planned-markup, lessors fee, and the amount of the new origination. Rules about Christian value sharing apply, but allow tremendous income per vehicle with no limitation on volume.

Specialty Equipment:

In 1980 when the CT Scanners were new on the market, installation in hospitals was not only cost prohibitive, but also physically impossible in a wide area.  Hartsocks designed and built 22 mobile units fully equipped/staffed in semi tractor-trailers with the self-funding mechanism for Indiana Mobile Scans, Inc. The cost per patient was reduced. The first year of 8 hour days (7 per week produced over 7,000 scans; compared to an average of less than 500 and a much higher cost in states who transported patients to a hospital with the machine installed.

A similar application is designed today for the plasma donation industry with vast improvements to the vehicle including EVC that runs without charging, batteries or petrol.

 added-value Functionality:

When a stylish self-funded vehicle is fully equipped with mobile-living and/or mobile work-space equipment, it then serves two or three functions for the operator and the community.

The value of the Christian operating-lease is amplified by saving the cost of fixed housing (or the cost of being homeless and dysfunctional)

and the amount of new income earned inside the unit (or the savings of being close to your work place in a fixed building). 

Not shown: portable solar shower, screens, toilet, central vacuum, window umbrellas, cooking cabinet, storage, roof top, tents, solar charging panels, fans, autonomous generator, 24v-48v charging system batteries, tint/shades, heated/cooled seats, natural mold/insecticide, rechargeable lighting, appliances, hand-tools, carpets, planet fitness account, Lowes account, Wal-Mart card,

In addition, a vehicle can provide an exceptional income driving for livery, delivery, policing, field-testing, education, tourism...

Extemplar University provides high-paying externships and extremely valuable franchises to self-funded operators, tuition-free.  Enrolled students are guaranteed full wages between $48,000 and $410,000 per year, minus withholding taxes, as they go through and learn forty-some relative positions.  Ecops, Uni-Pol, and other positions dealing with heritage and reclamations will be paid much, much more.  Not one job, or any task in it, causes in-person contact, nor requires the scholar to leave their mobile workstation.  Remote education for remote business operations coupled with financial freedom and time for growth is the only way to position people of all ages to solve world problems like the PEXO's and SDG's listed below in the PLANNED OPERATIONS section. Solving world problems pays $ billions.

 Mobile-living vehicles will usually have a much longer lifespan due to the proximity of life/work/play/education activities. Therefore they retain their value longer. Higher retained value equals longer contracts and lower payments for each of the stream of driver/operators during the term, and much higher multiplication/build rates.

Close Multiplication of Money Insert



Reversion, explain catholic vs criminal lease reversion money multipliers and

airplane back to normal... and the smash-downs already there.

for the existence of antichristian and permanent economic repair







aside from the self-funding securitization...














A highly detailed pro forma is available below for the asking regardless of amount of your participation. If your amount is less than $25K, please divide that amount by 25K, then multiply the "IO $ Bal" result by that fraction. There are many uses for this platform like revising a rental fleet, housing homeless w/children, furnishing hospitals, police, or freighters with fleets, and even community groups of households. As an example, an Owners Trust (General) Portfolio starts with an initial primer amount of $5,000,000 that grows on a fixed scale to $139,277,693,605 (2,785,554 % ROI) after 30 rounds of securitization, approximately 5-years, at PAL's factor for a lease-grade of:

If your individual originator (IO) pledge is:

your owner's stake is 2.00 % of the portfolio, 100,000 beneficial shares.  Your cash value escalates to the power of 129.64% per round of LBS securitization in this example, which is based on conservative average vehicle costs and factors from the Manheim Auto Auctions, NADA & Experian:
Rounds Time (est.) Trust $ bal IO $ bal ROI
Zero Initially $5,000,000 $100,000 100 %
1 2 months $6,481,900 $129,638 130 %
2 4 months $8,591,236 $171,825 172 %
3 6 months $11,593,666 $231,873 232 %
4 8 months $15,867,324 $317,346 317 %
5 10 months $21,950,449 $439,009 439 %
6 1 year $30,609,169 $612,183 612 %
12 2 years $243,598,212 $4,871,964 4,872 %
18 3 years $2,015,007,962 $40,300,159 40,300 %
24 4 years $16,747,655,520 $334,953,110 334,953 %
30 5 years $139,277,693,605 $2,785,553,872 2,785,554 %
36 $1,158,348,446,114 $23,166,868,922 23,166,869 %

The PAL Platform produces only 100% FDIC-compliant securities under technically-enforced compliance with the trust agreement which is governed by 12 CFR 12, all LSFI laws, and UCC / CISG compliant master-lease agreements which are governed by US Banking Laws § 303 and SEC Regulation AB.  (See All Regulations) PAL portfolios are highly desirable and legally marketable worldwide.  PAL LBS securities are ultra-high-yield since all contracts are true, level-yield, closed-end, master-lease instruments.  The EBT fixed-income rate for (Anticipated) portfolio investors is 8% APR and their FV ROI is 172.39 % EBT.  Contact us below for lease owner IRR calculations.  Like originators, LBS buyers and subsequent owners are fully protected from any loss whatsoever during the term of every lease and disposal of every vehicle in the portfolio regardless of vehicle, usage, lease-grade, or credit-tier.

We are not just saying you will earn money in these amounts;
We guarantee it with our cashable R&D stock in your escrow.

PAL's  "praetorian style" lock box immediately pays the originators +/or lease owners at the threshold of any default, delayed payment, residual value error or catastrophic loss... any monetary loss whatsoever.  Along with the customary chattel lease paper and insurances, we maintain cash in the Trust's escrow equal to or greater than three (3) monthly payments for the entire active portfolio; plus an amount equal to three (3%) to ten percent (10%) of the total of residual values; and we maintain an amount of our enterprise stock equal to the principal balance of the entire portfolio in escrow.  Losses are absorbed and either made into new profit or litigated by the PAL Platform© lessor who created the lease.  The oversight funds are then replenished.

Lease Creation, Transfers, Re-Leasing & Re-Marketing Circle

180° from dealership leasing, PAL lessors are 100% go-to-marketers on Internet since our founders worked with the creation of the Millennium Digital Commerce Act and the creation of Courts.Gov in the mid '90's. More than blasting email and dropping off vehicles, the PAL system© is a time-stamped rule-set of "asset-id-numbers" that create leases with military precision seek n sell campaigns©. Every auto and lease are numbered of course, but so is every added/subtracted item, auction, consumer, staff member, pay & rate participation, geography, and source of funding... thus establishing an indelible footprint inside the campaign for multiple monetary purposes starting with the end result – where the vehicle is going at lease termination, early or scheduled.

A campaign commences with deep-dive research on the quality and quantity of target vehicles at wholesale auctions (or about to arrive) usually waves of certified off-lease units from a prior factory incentive. Due to new vehicle sales, lease, and LBS tactics, the same number of each model will come to market in the same month, year after year.  Census, Labor Board, and other demographics, including the number of newly eligible drivers each day in a qualified area, define the target market.  Before the campaign is launched, the Research & Senior Analysts become foremost experts on the model and market. Their knowledge expands throughout each campaign, which lasts for years, even decades, in parallel to its LBS portfolio funding.

When a lessee wants or needs to trade vehicles, or a default occurs, the footprint automatically routes the ticket to the original lessor (team) since they have the intimate, eminent market and inventory knowledge, rights to the new profit and sustained rate income, as well as the economic tie to the LBS portfolio along with an inherent responsibility to the originators to make it grow.  Orthodox PAL lease structures enable and encourage multiple lease assumptions while eliminating contingent liability and future responsibility from the original lessee.  Within this methodology, the PAL VFLO© engines' fuel is their exhaust.

High granular solvency of each PAL portfolio is established from the beginning by eliminating $1,000's in the merchandising and marketing steps, then sustained by constant-yield amortization structures and consistent awareness of changes to the drivers' habits; while the risks of default and the losses of prepayment on early termination are reduced to a time-element with the ingredients for a resolution in hand and quick cash payments in the meantime.

Since PAL lessors also participate in fixed monthly rate income, an arena is created where solving each problem is an opportunity for additional leasing profit while sustaining the original lease. This is accomplished through a legal lease transfer in most cases, or adjusting the terms of the master-lease in others.  While PAL does not guarantee payment of the remaining lease-fees on an early termination, we do offer first right of refusal to the lease owner on both the new lease vehicle for the original driver and a subsequent lease for a new driver on the original vehicle.  Thus, the liability of losses, and importantly the risks of prepayment, are mitigated at an exponential profit along with great customer and franchisee satisfaction.

PAL originators and lease owners are also insulated from bankruptcies, legal aggression, severable pension and vicarious liability claims, consumer fraud, employee theft, and/or unfair competition by PAL's cyber-crime software and services, ten intrinsic tech-protectors & seven extrinsic elements, and by the inherent direct leasing dynamics, like extra-high granular solvency.

Intrinsic Protection

Preowned vehicle leasing, a core component of the US economy, has been obscure and disabled for many years. The essential technology© that creates your LBS is protected by US copyright, franchise laws, global publication and its exclusive existence.  Only PAL can enable preowned auto leasing and LBS securitization. A would-be competitor's attempt to duplicate our technology© would then be an illegal organization subject to dissolution.

For the first time in history, anyone (whether they are a dealer, works for one, or not) can lease any year, make, or model qualified used motor-vehicle, with or without an electric vehicle conversion,  directly to  individuals, all types of businesses, municipalities, and governments online with our Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© franchise.  Past UVL leasing was limited to a few light-duty, current to 4-yr-old models on shorter terms and based solely on the ALG residual guide book. That "standard" has not been copyrighted since 2006, is 100% faulty, and often fraudulent.  Our Real-Time Residual Value Calculators are the only on earth with accuracy guaranteed in cash upon error at early or scheduled termination. With no viable competition in the used leasing arena, setting residuals properly is no longer a political football game.

PAL's enterprise value is substantial, and the cost to the consumer of the oversight funds are negligible, because this platform creates consumer savings of around 60%.  Only PAL lessees can trade at will and avoid the higher costs of maintenance and repairs.  Nonperforming and single-minded parties, along with their costs and waste, are eliminated from the equation while four sources of income are enabled instead of just one. 

Unlike captive new-vehicle leasing, all PAL leases are true, level-yield amortization, master-leases with a fair early-termination payoff and a full, legal lease-assumption clause that can be executed multiple times. Coupled with the rigorous vehicle acquisition software©, our unique real-time residual value calculators, and the Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© (lessors) pay plan, this orthodox structure creates granular solvency and preempts losses from prepayment while affording maximum flexibility and the absolute lowest cost to consumers as they navigate changes to their driving habits during the economic crises. To enable and administer these interactions, we built and support Auto Lease Auctions a unique 3-way bidding, wholesale and retail, peer-to-peer marketplace.

ACCOUNTING AUTOMATION: The PAL True Car Cost© module is fully automated for all payment functions from the purchase of the vehicles to payroll and remarketing of off-lease vehicles. The system issues sight drafts when all the criteria for buying a leased-car are met. In addition: 1) PAL's general ledger is duplicated in our commercial bank with a separate number for each account, including each originator, 2) Manheim Auto Auction financial services, guarantees, and policies fare a rigid form of accounting integrated into the PAL Platform©, 3) We use SmartCash® at SmartAuction®, both part of the Ally Bank Dealer Network, which fits nicely with our online remote lease long-distance deliveries, local installation of EVC's, and help with off-lease vehicle disposals. There is no room for errors or subversion.  Audits are always available because reports are made in real-time as revenues are received and payments are made under government observance and regulation.  Activity is logged in each Originator's Queue with percentile accounting available for your review and self-governance 24/7.

HUMAN CAPITAL: Your wealth comes from distribution of  knowledge on a case-by-case basis.  Much better than depending on auto dealership sales staff, who have conflicts of interest, VFLO© enables mass remote employment of non typical personnel for the sole purpose of practical application of orthodox used vehicle leasing.  Training them and protecting them grows money faster.  All participants, including buyers and lessees, sellers and lessors, are made members of the Fair Vehicle Leasing Association, a 501c6 business league where people govern themselves [and each other] without firing a shot, going to court or any delay.  All  lessors and their employees are also protected by more powerful university law because of their participation in our Auto Economics Curriculum, continuing education, legal services and regulation administered by Extemplar University.  People logically stick with their PAL position because it is the best life for them and economically speaking, "there is no better place for them to go."

SAVING TIME:  Lessors' advertising expense, time-per-sale, and cost of delivery have a direct effect on the earning-power of  your primer money and the granular solvency of your LBS portfolio.  Each VFLO© franchise contains fifteen precision go-to-marketing campaigns to wholly eliminate promotional costs and wasting time on nonevent clientele, or under-qualified vehicles.   Everything is done and recorded online 24/7, which expands the market across the continent.  Instead of in-person, physical deliveries are made by a network of 18,000 franchised dealers for a portion of the sales profit.  It's your money; it is spent wisely without overworking the PAL NetWorkForce™.

PROPERTY PROTECTION:  Opposite of impersonal indirect new-vehicle-leasing, PAL lessors are continually informed of each vehicles' condition, mileage, upcoming maintenance, and debt/equity ratio.  Awareness Technology© includes routine auto-value reports, lessee interaction (survey) via the monthly statement, and when merited, like for a low-credit grade, an EVC, or a ride-share driver, the lessor installs a Samsara econometrics reporting device with GPS.  The information is used to guide all of us to the most perfect, the most sellable leases, minimize subtractions from escrow, and offer the best consumer experience so they repeat business during their driving lifetime. 

SELECTIVITY: Exclusive rights, licensing, plus twelve up-and-running programs© enable PAL lessors to select the cream-of-the-crop lessees, vehicles, and environments. We will not lease to people or businesses in danger of losing their income because of the coronavirus pandemic, but we can help a large number retool for a lucrative career in our industry. Vehicle mileage, equipment, condition guarantees, and a fair price close to the wholesale value are important. We buy and ship directly from the dealer-only auctions after two independent inspections and pay extra for a no fault return policy in case the lessee refuses the vehicle upon delivery.  Also, the environment where the vehicle has been driven can affect the price and the depreciation schedule. The geography where the vehicle will be driven has physical and financial considerations.  We lease only in States where tax is charged monthly on the payment. Leasing terms, vehicle ages and models are greatly curtailed in States that use salt to clear the roads in the winter.

INDUSTRY PROTECTION:  PAL is offering LBS funding to groups of angels, licensed dealers & auto auction owners to disperse control and sustain UVL commerce, hopefully forever. Even as the Trust grows and ownership changes hands, PAL UVL funding can not be monopolized or contrived.  Similarly, we are offering the VFLO© franchises without an initial or monthly cost and an Ex-U college education without tuition so they too become ingrained in our economy. 

Extrinsic Protection

The economy is round and rotates like the earth. Life, law, money and especially auto leasing run in a circle.  As a byproduct of the auto & financial crises there are no sources for pre-owed vehicle lease funding in the USA today.  Withal, there never will be other than PAL LBS.  Whoever utilizes the PAL CIP's as prescribed will control the single largest portion of the US economy harmoniously with no interference and plenty of support.

Time is of the essence. PAL is here.  All programs are running as you read this, so the PAL Platform is a today and only solution, which you can kick around, use it to make and save big money simultaneously.  Organic LBS cannot be processed with new-vehicle-lease portfolios.  If it could be done under law, it would take a crew of 127-programmers +12-years to duplicate our technology©.  There is no need for that anyway since everyone is invited to partake in PAL under law.  

Everyone needs ground-transportation. It's true, the PAL Platform© is the only solution for millions of American drivers who are so buried in their auto finance they cannot trade when they want to or need to.  Enabling auto commerce on a case-by-case basis with the flexibility to trade at will  down the road as chaotic factors dictate our futures saves lives, livelihoods, and probably many marriages as well. To incorporate UVL into a nihilistic society, PAL "sales" are a factual presentation of individual options due to circumstantial criteria entered by the prospect online. The decision to lease, buy, finance, or stand pat are strictly up to the prospect.

US education needs a face lift.  Our university enables college-grade education without tuition, full-pay including retirement as an externship with 100% guaranteed job placement. In that bargain, Extemplar is a unique provider of more than enough time and cash to pay the student loan payment on the most expensive tuition elsewhere for a contemporaneous education.

Our governments need PAL for income and to unwind some bad decisions. Auto sales tax and NVL use-tax comprise the largest portion of income for every state, some as much as 50% of their monthly revenue. UVL tax could double, or even triple that number. In example, the ripple effect of leasing merely 304,080 used vehicles in Indiana in one year could provide enough additional tax income to rebuild the entire State infrastructure in three years... every three years.

Not stimuli or a work-around, PAL is also an industry solution that clears the path for annual new vehicle sales in excess of twenty million per year; and only PAL can enable mass manufacturing/installation of electric vehicle conversions, a big boon for the financial and manufacturing worlds. PAL is the only method to make good use of millions of unsold new vehicles and tidal waves of  vehicles coming off new vehicle leases.

Fixed-income investors can depend on PAL. Underlying in mass for many years prior to, but revved up by the coronavirus pandemic, faulty new car lease residual value calculations will cause bond leaseholders unprecedented losses, as they have since the ninety's.  Auctions have been overflowing with these three-year-olds since 2016. 3Q 2020 reports tell millions more vehicles are being refused by the lending institution upon scheduled return. Only PAL can guarantee residual values on these toddlers and put them back on the street with new driver at a rate popular to everyone.  Eventual perception of this enormous value by Big Auto and their bond holders will endear them to the PAL Platform© for a harmonious future.

The PAL NetWorkForce™ grows on scale without cost to the Trust

Prior to 1980, very few lease transactions were conducted at auto dealerships.  Today, leasing in the showroom has become the norm and the only.  PAL enables any volume of expert, remote, non typical employment by distributing its Virtual Fleet & Lease Office©  franchises with a college education, full pay, and without a charge. This includes marginalized, home-bound, disabled, elderly, and those in need of a bedside job. Analysts are usually profitable within the first nine-hours because they are trained on real vehicles and live customers.  VFLO©'s are incorporated, standalone enterprises that operate 24/7 from any Internet connection worldwide.

Viewed as an additional free sales resource by dealers, efficiency is maximized  when the sales profit is split and the leased vehicle is sent to a local brand dealership for physical delivery.  PAL Inc, the Trust owner/originators, and the dealerships capitalize 5X because each VFLO© analyst can sell five-to-six leases in the time it takes to physically deliver just one.  So, all PAL Platform participants' "new normal" is actually normal again, and careers are set up to grow without the boundaries incurred with indirect leasing.

Initially important, there is no cost to setup and operate the front-end and lease-end modules.  Historically, this cost ranges from $20M to $350M for indirect leasing originators.  This advantage compliments PAL's exclusivity to equal no competition for used vehicle leasing and no viable competition from indirect  new vehicle leasing or used car loans.


The preferred, premium market for preowned auto leasing LBS is twenty-five times larger than all 2019 used & new, sales & leases combined in the USA alone.


The availability of qualified vehicles for preowned auto leasing LBS is nineteen times bigger than all new & used vehicles for sale in the USA today.  Current availability of top quality used vehicles for PAL is 11,000 per day through wholesale sources alone.  About 84-million (30%) of the country's 280-million daily-drivers could and should be converted to a fair level-yield lease to extract equity, add flexibility, and drastically reduce the #1 cost in any budget – private transportation.  If just 13% converted to a PAL lease, the recession would end overnight and twenty-years of historic losses would be recovered in about five-years.


PAL master-leases are the only viable gateway to redouble auto LBS by adding an electric vehicle conversion to a leased vehicle. A good EVC will double the capitalized cost of the lease and triple the value of the vehicle, so the lessee's payment will go down in most cases.  What would be the effect if PAL bought all the police cars in your community and lease them back with a powerful EVC?  What would be the savings for the operator and customers of an EVC rental fleet? UBER? Semi tractors?  How much are the take-off parts worth to offset the cost of conversion?  The calculations for the answers on a case-by-case basis are already contained in PAL's 3-way comparison marketplaces online (and free for the asking). 

FYI: Main Platform Components
  1. Auto Financial Advisers Oversight Board
    This office is the only position authorized to order purchase of a leased vehicle. AFA's oversee every transaction, it is their money that is placed in escrow, and they remain responsible for all contractual obligations on all sides of every lease. Only they are granted the power to enforce the rules of conduct for each entity's working agreement to settle losses efficiently and timely to the benefit of all concerned.

  2. Auto Lease Auctions
    The ultimate marketplace for auto buyers, sellers, lessees and lessors, both wholesale and retail with 3-way bidding - cash purchase, simple interest finance & used vehicle leasing. Shoppers are furnished with seven pre-bid services online and up to eighteen customized reports and comparisons to make an informed decision. The domain also presents twelve tools & services to help dealers market qualified vehicles to the public and other dealers at the physical wholesale auctions.

  3. Department of Justice & Police
    An independently funded and operated squad equipped with the best technology and procedures to protect the participants, their money, and the interests of the PAL Platform during these times of chaos, corruption, high-crimes and misdemeanors.

  4.  ESP Technologies World Corporation
    An Indiana industrial computer manufacturer founded in 1979, this is the technical deck of the PAL Platform. They are responsible for all automation, support, and it is ESP's stock that backs the leases in escrow.

  5. Extemplar University
    The online auto economics curriculum was created with three levels of certification from courses taught at the world's largest lease-lenders and the installations of most successful lessors. It provides hands-on training for 42 positions, continuing education, police, legal services and administration throughout the platform, throughout time.

  6. Fair Vehicle Leasing Association
    This is a 501c6 business league corporation for the restoration and preservation of fair orthodox leasing. It provides a fun, free place where PAL participants govern themselves without problems, going to court or any delay.

  7. PAL Owners Trust & Escrow
    The originators' owners trust and escrow company is in the making for the organization, sales and administration of PAL asset backed securities. An official copy of the trust agreement is available to qualified individuals seeking a position in it.

  8. PAL Wholesale, Title & Insurance
    A licensed wholesale dealership (CIADA #S1464) to purchase pre-sold lease vehicles, ship directly from wholesale auctions with layers of overlapping insurance, nationwide, with access to Canada, Mexico and abroad.

    PALX Stock Exchange
    A private stock market (SEC Forms 1 & S-3) in the making to sell PAL LBS Portfolios and upgrades as they are created, as well as trade ESP INC and VFLO securities from time to time.

  9. Preowned Auto Lessors, Inc
    A licensed lessor for the administration of preowned auto lease funding in the USA and abroad, under law, as prescribed.

  10. Real-Time Residual Value Calculators
    Another first in auto history, RTRV's can be guaranteed because they are created at the point of sale using particular driver, environment, and market data on a month-to-month basis instead of a year-to-year published table. This allows for total market expansion and unlimited length of lease except where limited by law.

  11. Virtual Fleet & Lease Offices
    VFLO's are the latest version of the lease selling systems that have been installed in franchised dealerships since 1985. Readers can indicate interest in a VFLO below to receive a full description of this important machinery.

OPM Calculator For Originators
Double Up

Where there is no possibility of conflicted interests, originators have first rights to own/operate a Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© franchise for dual income.  Like the Trust, a VFLO© can grow to any size without investment, expense, or work.  One VFLO© can easily sell $5,000,000  worth of leases during its initial two-months, pay all its costs and flat-commissions from the fair sales profit and future rate participation, and automatically expand to serve the following rounds.  In our model, the "hands-off" Owner/Operator(s) (O/O) earn $9,527,477,774 PTD EBT in about 5-years. This is in addition to VFLO monthly rate participation: 

Rnds Time (est.) $O/O EBT $O/O PTD EMPs LSEs LSEs PTD
1 2nd month $101,375 $101,375 12 179 179
2 4th month $144,297 $245,672 17 254 433
3 6th month $205,393 $451,065 24 362 795
4 8th month $292,356 $743,421 33 515 1,310
5 10th month $416,140 $1,159,560 48 733 2,043
6 12th month $592,333 $1,751,893 68 1,043 3,086
12 2nd year $14,570,324 $16,322,217 564 8,678 28,752
18 3rd year $121,180,014 $137,502,231 4,691 72,172 242,210
24 4th year $1,007,842,733 $1,145,344,964 39,016 600,250 2,017,519
30 5th year $8,382,132,810 $9,527,477,774 324,494 4,992,222 16,782,594
36 $69,713,406,799 $79,240,884,573 2,698,789 41,519,836 139,582,324

There is no reason for a VFLO© to stop growing, but like the Trust portfolio, the availability of premium qualified passenger cars at preferred wholesale auction may curtail sales in about eight years on this scaled model.  VFLO© income is also guaranteed, but only in certain circumstances and in a different way described in the Cost & Profit Analyzer - Section IV, on that web site.

Triple Down

In a tricast where one person primed and owns a whole portfolio ($5M minimum) and is the sole owner/operator of a compliant VFLO©, they may perfect and keep their last PAL portfolio.  If in fact the lease-grade averages to Anticipated, they can add 8% APR on top of what would then be their tax-deferred, fixed-income earnings.

Take a dual role, originator and owner, for non-general PAL portfolios like major fleets, larger municipal leases, government provisions, innovation leases, and sectional contracts in the Fleet lease-grade.

High-yield PAL leases will pass all legal compliance if tested and there are really no tranches in 100% enhanced LBS portfolios, which makes them easy to resell in part or in whole for a sizeable gain.  Owners could then reinvest the proceeds in another, larger PAL portfolio.  In turn, bundles of PAL portfolios may be attractive to large global LBS investors to help offset the losses in auto subprime, and the pending unknown losses because of the pandemic.

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